Sydney Adventist churches exist to serve. From trust services, food and visitation to Bible studies and prayer, we have a number of services and resources for you.
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24
Of course we can always pray by ourselves, but corporate prayer offers benefits beyond what we can experience alone. The Sydney Adventist church offers prayer ministries including inspirational resources, prayer retreats, weeks of prayer, and other prayer-focused events. Prayer ministry team members are prayer warriors who intercede with Christ on behalf of family, friends, church members, our country, and our world.
Keen on learning more about our prayer ministries? Contact us or visit our prayer page:
Bible Study
Studying the Bible—going straight to the source—is the best way to get to know God. And we’ve got Bible studies. Group, one-on-one, self-guided, online, and in-person. There are so many options tailored to your needs.
Contact us or an Adventist church near you, or visit our Bible studies page ( for more details and to sign up.
Visit your local Adventist Health Foods and Christian Book Store.
Times are tough, and sometimes families and individuals need a little boost. Our local pantries provide groceries and food hampers to those in our community that need some help. Taking food insecurity off the list of things to worry about is a simple way to help people get back on their feet. Find a location near you.
ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) is a worldwide organisation that helps people in poverty and distress. Here in Australia, ADRA works with local residents providing counselling services, food, crisis relief, emergency housing and rental assistance, addiction support, mental health services, social isolation support, and other assistance and programs to strengthen individuals, families, and communities.
Find out more about ADRA and community centre programs near you:
Our State Prison Chaplain provides support and nurture for Adventist inmates. Chaplains and prison ministry volunteers* also host Bible studies and visit incarcerated people in the Greater Sydney area. Our spiritual mentors offer support to inmates, spend time listening and talking with them and treat them like God wants us to treat His children. We know that connecting incarcerated people to a Christian community and encouraging them to pursue and live Christian values can impact them in this life and beyond.
For more information contact our Sydney Chaplain, Pr Wellington Caqui on 0430 918 287 or at [email protected].
Lonely? Know of a family member, neighbor or friend who could use a visit from a church member? Our home visitation services bring the church to shut-in, elderly, sick or struggling people. Whether it’s an in-home Bible study, prayer session, or just a friendly chat, there’s power and comfort in a personal visit. You can also search for a Life Group near you.
Health and wellbeing are at the core of Adventist beliefs, and we love to share our knowledge of better lifestyles with our Sydney community. Resources like webinars and seminars, our Wellness Snapshot health-screening tools, Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP), depression and anxiety seminars, support groups for grief and divorce, and our single parent seminar cater to the bodies and minds of people searching for more joyful, complete lives.
See resources at the bottom of
Adventist Counselling Services:
One of the Adventist church’s most prominent contributions to the world is our education system. There are more than 5,800 Adventist schools worldwide teaching more than 1 million students in grades K-university. In Australia alone, 12,000 students attend 58 Adventist schools. That’s a wide reach for Jesus. Our schools believe in holistic education—strengthening the minds, bodies, and spirits of our students in a nurturing and caring environment where they can question, learn, and become all God has planned for them.
Our seniors are deserving of special care and consideration. Adventist Aged Care provides compassionate and competent care for elders in modern, Christ-centred facilities throughout Australia. From independent living centres to nursing care, our retirement and aged care services allow our oldest citizens live better during their golden years.
Do you know the ABCs? Our Adventist Book Centres (ABC) are Christian bookstores and health food stores that serve our church families and wider communities.
We have physical locations in Wahroonga and Epping, or online at
The Greater Sydney Conference provides a complimentary trust service to church members, their families, and friends in the preparation of wills. This is a free service under the direction of a practicing solicitor. Our Director of Trust Services can assist you in planning and disposition of assets and the preparation of a valid will. Click here for more information and to book an appointment.
If your Will is currently with GSC and you have a non-urgent query, please contact Nerise Fehlberg – Trust Services Departmental Assistant: [email protected].