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    Apps, Local Church


    7me | The Official Adventist App

    All Adventist Church apps and services, available in one place: news, updates, membership management, church resources, and more.



    IntraSyd Magazine Archive, Submission Info & Deadline Dates 2025

    Publication dates for 2025 for the IntraSyd Magazine and the 2026 Greater Sydney Conference Calendar.

    Do something, M2S / Think Tank


    HARVEST 25 – We are called to DO: Everything you need to know!

    What is Harvest 25? How is Harvest 25 Different from the Cycle of Evangelism? How can my church get involved? Where do we find help? We answer these questions and more.

    Stewardship / Personal Development


    Stewardship (Personal Development) Resources

    Here you'll find resources to help you, your family, or your local church with stewardship / personal development.

    Apps, Family


    Faith Builders App | Raising a Generation of Spiritual Champions

    The app contains resources to help YOU as parents and grandparents raise a generation of spiritually firm childrens who grow to become healthy, productive members of society.

    Grants / Scholarships, Local Church


    Adventist Mission Impact Fund

    A fund for mission work. Your church or ministry could get as much as $150k USD for mission work!

    Adventist Schools, Grants / Scholarships


    Women in Pastoral Ministry Scholarship

    South Pacific Division (SPD) – For non-AUS female residents studying ministry and theology at Avondale University and Mamarapha College.

    Adventist Schools, Grants / Scholarships


    GSC Teacher Training Scholarship

    Scholarships for the second and subsequent years of approved study for a teaching degree.

    Adventist Schools, Grants / Scholarships


    Conference President’s Scholarship

    A scholarship for 1st year students who enrols at Avondale University in 2024.



    MARKETING 101: How to Market Your Church Event

    A helpful guide on marketing your church event via web, social media, and other marketing options.

    Finance / Tithe, Services


    Free Service | Get your Will prepared!

    YES YOU NEED A WILL! And we offer this service free to members. Having a will ensures your wishes will be carried out and your loved ones are provided for. If you don't have a will, you don't have any say about how your estate is distributed.

    Finance / Tithe, Local Church, Treasury


    Local Church Treasurers

    Find Treasury resources for GS Adventist churches. This page is password protected.



    Initiative: HOPE STAYZ Retreat

    A 2-NIGHT/3-DAY retreat for disadvantaged women and their children.



    Family Togetherness Week of Prayer (Annual)

    An annual General Conference led initiative that is held up by churches around the world scheduled during the first week of September every year.

    Local Church, Singles


    GSC Singles Ministry Volunteer Guide

    GSC Singles Ministry overview and guide for ministry volunteers and local church singles ministry leaders.

    Do something, Health & Wellbeing, Training


    Run a Nedley Depression & Anxiety Recovery Program (DARP)

    You can make a difference in someone’s life by facilitating a Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program (DARP). This training teaches you how.



    Premarital Counselling: Your Questions Answered

    This info highlights the growth and clarity premarital counselling can bring, along with answering any questions you may have about the process.

    Do something, Singles


    Supporting Single Seniors

    Thoughtful gestures for church's Single Seniors. What you / your church can do to bless a senior member.

    Family, Singles


    Blended Families | Blended & Blessed

    Resources and a live, annual event for stepfamily couples, single parents, dating couples with kids, and those who care about blended families.

    Children's Ministry, Kids & Teens


    Children’s Sabbath Resources

    Children’s Sabbath is a day set aside by churches for the purpose of highlighting and affirming the gift and gifts of children in our midst. This page provides everything you would need to put on a special Children's Sabbath program.

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