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    Indigenous Australians

    ATSIM | We recognize the continuing contribution that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make to the life of Australia and endeavor to work together to leave a legacy of reconciliation, justice and hope for all future Australians. We pray for the success of this collaboration.

    Welcome to Country

    “You can’t care unless you know us. We can’t trust unless we know you. Let’s get to know each other.

    Connections and shared experiences are at heart of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Ministry. It starts and ends with fellowship: sitting around a fire, having a yarn, sharing stories and having a good laugh.”


    How we’re involved

    The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Ministries (ATSIM) department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Greater Sydney is an intercultural ministry. It involves consistent one-on-one connections to develop personal relationships and build community trust. ATSIM provides outreach, support, resources and understanding to local churches serving members of the indigenous Australian Community.

    Through this ministry we strive to bridge the gap between the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and local communities and provide safe environments where ATSI members all feel seen, represented and valued.

    For more information contact Pr Richard Reid  at email richardreid [at] or via our contact page. For ATSIM at the Australian Union Conference click here.

    Indigenous Australians
    Henry’s Story
    I’m a Dainggatti man, originally from Bellbrook, New South Wales. I never thought I’d...


    ATSI, Inclusivity


    Appropriate Aboriginal Terminology Guide

    A guide to appropriate Aboriginal terminology.



    Picture Bible

    The Bible told through art as traditionally done in Aboriginal culture.

    ATSI, Grants / Scholarships, Inclusivity, Women


    Women in Pastoral Ministry Scholarship

    Australian Union Conference (AUC) provided assistance for Australian female students of ministry and theology at Avondale University and Mamarapha College.

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