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    Prayer Events Calendar for 2025

    We have set dates by faith but also recognise that things can change in our uncertain times. One thing is sure - no matter what happens we can still pray.


    Prayer is the one thing we can do anywhere, anytime and in any circumstance. As you plan and prepare for the coming year, here are a few opportunities to engage our membership in prayer as we seek to raise the spiritual temperature in our Conference.

    We would like to highlight a few dates and opportunities in 2023.

    We ask that you consider these events/opportunities and raise the profile of prayer. Make prayer a priority.


    GSC prayer conference Sydney

    Get resources & stay current!

    Prayer and Bible study are our direct lines to the God of the universe. For prayer resources and more on this upcoming event, head to our prayer Ministries page:



    08 February: Prayer Gathering #1
    United Prayer Evening (Greater Sydney Conference)
    Information to come.

    15-24 February: 10 days of Prayer
    The Australian Union Conference (AUC) initiated prayer event.

    10 Days of Prayer – Seeking Revival (General Conference) |

    A great way to start the year.  All the resources are available online. Resources are available in many languages – English, Spanish, German, French, Arabic and a good few more.

    28 February: International Day of Prayer  (General Conference)
    This is a dedicated day of Prayer for Seventh-day Adventist around the world to engage in. There is a full package of resources: Sermon, PowerPoints, Prayer seminar material that will be made available.


    21-27 April: Big Camp
    Greater Sydney Adventists gather once again at the beautiful Adventist Alpine Village in Jindabyne.


    1 June: Prayer Breakfast (ICC Sydney)
    Interfaith prayer gathering

    1-30 June: 30 days of Prayer (Greater Sydney Conference)
    The Conference has produced a resource for the 30 Days of Prayer which will be available in hard copy and on our website.  The Book of Mark will be our focus during the month of March.  This resource could be used in your prayer groups/small groups and personal devotions.


    6-13 September: Annual Week of Prayer (General Conference)
    Plan ahead and prepare for this opportunity to call our members attention to a dedicated week of focussed prayer, soul searching and revival.  Another great opportunity in our year for united fervent prayer.

    12-14: IGNITING Prayer Summit (Greater Sydney Conference)
    A prayer conference.





    —: Prayer Coordinator’s Brunch (Greater Sydney Conference)
    Catered brunch for for Greater Sydney Conference prayer leaders and coordinators. We have found that these gatherings have been a great blessing and source of motivation, connection and stimulus. Hence, we would like to continue to provide a forum for people who are passionate and value prayer to gather, share and be encouraged.

    More resources like this

    Family, Prayer, Support


    Adventist Family Ministries Resources

    Adventist Family Ministries resources for family ministry leaders and private individuals



    30 Days of Prayer Resources

    Access current and previous 30 Days of Prayer booklets and resources produced by the Greater Sydney Conference here.



    How do I pray?

    How do I pray? How do I pray? Get helpful Information on prayer.



    Prayer Events Calendar for 2025

    We have set dates by faith but also recognise that things can change in our uncertain times. One thing is sure - no matter what happens we can still pray.

    Stay in the loop and receive our latest news