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    Youth / Young Adults

    Sydney Adventist Youth Newsletter

    Sign up for the Sydney Adventist Youth newsletter.

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    Youth / Young Adults


    Sydney Adventist Youth Newsletter

    Sign up for the Sydney Adventist Youth newsletter.

    Community, Youth / Young Adults


    Sydney Adventist Youth on Facebook

    The official Facebook presence of Sydney Adventist Youth (SAY), the Youth's Ministry Department of the Greater Sydney Seventh-day Adventist Conference. #sydneyadventists

    Youth / Young Adults


    Sydney Adventist Youth Website

    The official page of the Sydney Adventist Youth Department. Find Pathfinder and Adventurer resources, and information on events for kids, teens and young adults

    Adventurers, Kids & Teens, Pathfinders, Youth / Young Adults


    Find a Kids & Teens Club near You

    Find a Pathfinders or Adventurers club near you. This are uniformed, skill-learning clubs similar to scouts. Pathfinders or Adventurers clubs are co-ed.

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