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    Local Church

    Natural Church Development (NCD)

    Natural Church Development (NCD) to churches is what pruning shears are to plants. It is a tool to help create healthy Adventist churches that grow.


    What’s in it for my church?

    Two things: Growth and retention.

    Your church will be transformed from a place people go, to the reason why they stay.

    Tired of revolving doors in your congregation? Frustrated with talented and loving, broken or hurting individuals joining your church, only to disappear a few weeks later? Struggling to figure out why your public evangelism programs just don’t work?

    Natural Church Development exists to combat these issues. It is here to help your church provide a safe, empowering haven where people want to stay.

    Areas that Natural Church Development (NCD) explores

    • Empowering Leadership
    • Gift-based Ministry
    • Passionate Spiritually
    • Effective Structures
    • Inspiring Worship Service
    • Holistic Small Groups
    • Need-oriented Evangelism
    • Loving Relationships

    Further reading on NCD


    Who at the conference can help my church with NCD?

    The Natural Church Development coordinator at the Greater Sydney Conference is Pr Travis Manners. Contact Travis at travismanners [at]

    Other NCD Content from AUC

    NCD Resources

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