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    Annual Conference Reports

    Annual Conference Report archive.


    Annual Australian Union Conference (AUC) Report

    These are annual Conference reports that are presented to the Australian Union Conference Presidents Advisory meeting each November. Each Conference within the union Reports the major highlights  of what has occurred within their Conference.


    What is a Quinquennial Australian Union Conference Report?

    The Quadrennial report is a synopsis via video or photographs of what has happened in the Conference in a 4-year time span.  It should focus on the following:

    1. Strategic initiatives that were agreed to by the Session delegates
    2. Progress on those initiatives
    3. Covid and how it’s impacted the church, membership, baptisms, mission/evangelism both good and bad. Focus on the great digital focus that has occurred (GSC web page, social media, churches who have capitalized on the new streaming platforms and their outcomes). It was one of the 5 foci that we agreed to in 2018 and came about faster because of Covid
    4. Good news stories from church
    5. Good news stories from schools and aged care
    6. Future directions for the conference based on the think tank outcomes including the AUC year of evangelism in 2023 (called CONNECT) which GSC will be part of.

    Annual Report 2021-2022

    News and recaps from the Greater Sydney Conference. This report covers the period from 01 November 2021 to 31 November 2021.


    Quinquennial Report 2017-2021

    Jeremiah 29:11 encapsulates our thinking, “For I know the plans that I have for you, plans to prosper and not harm you…” God knows the beginning from the end and we give Him all praise and glory for what He has done.

    More resources like this

    M2S / Think Tank, Reports


    Mission2Sydney Think Tank Outcome Report 2022

    REPORT | The 2022 Mission2Sydney Think Tank invited every Adventist church and school in the Conference to send their most strategic leaders to the Think Tank.



    Constituency & Session Reports

    Access available Greater Sydney Conference Constituency (session) reports here.



    Annual Conference Reports

    Annual Conference Report archive.

    Communications, Reports


    GSC’s 5 Strategic Foci, Mission, Vision & Purpose

    Our mission in Greater Sydney is to make disciples of Jesus Christ and grow together in discipleship. We focus on this mission through five (5) strategic areas.

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