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    Adventist Outdoors Resources & Documents

    Find all the necessary forms and documents for Adventist Outdoors (from Activity Notification Forms to Safety Management Plans) right here.


    Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us and we’ll help you out!

    More resources like this

    For Hire, Outdoors


    Crosslands Youth & Convention Centre

    Crosslands Youth & Convention Centre is an affordable campsite and conference retreat located just one hour's drive from Sydney's CBD, in the beautiful and secluded Berowra Valley Regional Park.

    For Hire, Outdoors


    HIRE: Water Ski Equipment

    The GSC Youth Department offers boat, jet ski and water skiing equipment hire to church, pathfinder and school groups. We also provide groups with experienced Volunteer staff to drive the boats or jet ski and teach.



    Adventist Outdoors Resources & Documents

    Find all the necessary forms and documents for Adventist Outdoors (from Activity Notification Forms to Safety Management Plans) right here.

    Do something, Outdoors


    Environmental Stewardship

    As God stewards, it is our duty to manage the natural environment in a faithful and fruitful way. We call for respect of creation, restraint in the use of the world’s resources, reevaluation of one’s needs, and reaffirmation of the dignity of created life.

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