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    Apps, Local Church

    7me | The Official Adventist App

    All Adventist Church apps and services, available in one place: news, updates, membership management, church resources, and more.


    The app offers a range of features to keep members connected, including a news from across the Pacific, a calendar with conference and local church events, and an interactive features to connect with other other app users and the Conference.

    7me is also a centralised resource hub, providing access to Bible translations, Sabbath school guides, Ellen G White’s writings, the Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal, eGiving, and streaming options for Hope Channel and Faith FM radio. It also enables members to initiate membership transfers directly within the app.



    The 7me app is available for download on Google Play and the App Store.



    7me Adventist Church App


    7me aligns with Australian Government privacy principles, allowing members to view, edit and update their personal information held by the Church, ensuring greater transparency and control over their data.

    More resources like this

    Apps, Local Church


    7me | The Official Adventist App

    All Adventist Church apps and services, available in one place: news, updates, membership management, church resources, and more.

    Apps, Family


    Faith Builders App | Raising a Generation of Spiritual Champions

    The app contains resources to help YOU as parents and grandparents raise a generation of spiritually firm childrens who grow to become healthy, productive members of society.

    Grants / Scholarships, Local Church


    Adventist Mission Impact Fund

    A fund for mission work. Your church or ministry could get as much as $150k USD for mission work!

    Finance / Tithe, Local Church, Treasury


    Local Church Treasurers

    Find Treasury resources for GS Adventist churches. This page is password protected.

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