We have a few staff changes in our ministerial departments effective 01 January 2023. Here are the new directors now leading out.
Family & Children’s Ministries

Pr Craig Vanas (L) and Pr Daron Pratt (R)
Taking over in Family and Children’s ministries following Lego Master and MC extraordinaire, Pr Craig Vanas, is Pr Daron Pratt. Pr Daron is a Gabe Reynaud Award recipient for his innovative and creative use of social media (and balloons!) in Family and Children’s ministry. He previously served in the North New South Wales Conference as well as the South Pacific Division in both ministries.
Pr Craig served in the Youth Department for nearly 10 years. He will be continuing serving in the Greater Sydney Conference as Senior Pastor at Mile End Community Church.
Contact daronpratt [at] adventist.org.au.
Sabbath School, Stewardship & Personal Ministries

Ms. Patricia Antas (L) and Pr Asofitu Leatuavao (R)
Pr Asofitu Leatuavao is the new Director of Sabbath School, Stewardship and Personal Ministries, filling the void left by previous director, Ms. Patricia Antas, who accepted a role at the South Pacific Division.
Pr Asofitu Leatuavao has been in the ministry for over twenty years, working as a Lecturer, Pastor, Evangelist, Consultant, an Executive member and now his current role.
“I like to experience God’s vision for the areas that I am called to lead. I am passionate in growing and extending God’s kingdom in strategically helping the local churches in empowering leadership and maximising member participation through training and resourcing.”
Pr Asofitu is married to Sarai Leatuavao. The couple have three adult children and four grandchildren.
Contact asofituleatuavao [at] adventist.org.au.
Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)

Malcolm Rea (L) and Lazio Crescentini (R)
Serving as ADRA Director for the Greater Sydney Conference, a role previously held by Mr Malcom Rea who retried at the end of 2020, is Lazio Crescentini.
Lazio was born in South Africa and immigrated to Australia when he was 23 years old. He worked in the medical area of Endoscopy for the past 12 years as a service engineer and later moved into sales.
Lazio is married with two children. The family enjoys being out in nature and exploring new areas.
“I look forward to my new role as the ADRA NSW Regional manager. I am excited to connect with those involved in the community projects and I am hoping that I could help strengthen each project in the work they are doing in the various communities. We have so many areas where people are in need and I am hoping to connect with the local churches in those areas, to see how we can reach out to the local community to help meet their needs and to share the love of Jesus with them!”
Contact laziocrescentini [at] adra.org.au.
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islands Ministries (ATSIM)

Pr Horace Evans (L) and Pr Richard Reid (R)
In ATSIM, Pr Richie Reid has been appointed as Coordinator. The role was previously held by Pr Horace Evan who accepted the call to as District Minister in the South Queensland Conference at the end of 2021. As ATSIM leader here in Sydney, Pr Evans oversaw some wonderful projects:
- The establishment and opening of the new Redfern Centre of Influence, which continues to expand its borders!
- The establishment of an ATSIM church plant in Western Sydney, Mt Druitt
- The establishment of an ATSI committee
- Much more
In addition to the ATSIM Coordinator role, Pr Reid is also the Associate Ministerial Secretary for Greater Sydney Adventist Schools.
Contact richardreid [at] adventist.org.au.
Prayer & Women’s Ministries

Mrs. Beryl Landers with husband, Dr Ken Landers (L) and Mrs. Meleofa Tovo (R)
For both Prayer and Women Ministries, the roles of coordinator and director have been passed on to Mrs. Meleofa Tovo from Mrs. Beryl Landers. After 10 dedicated years of mission and service in Women Ministries and two years as Prayer Coordinator, Mrs. Beryl Landers made the Spirit-led decision to take a new path.
Meleofa, who has been serving in the GSC Finance team for the last 11 years respectively in Payroll and Tithe & Offerings, is excited to lead GSC Women’s Ministry and add just that little something extra to the strong legacy that has been passed on to her.
Read more on the https://sydney.adventist.org.au/news/sydney-adventist-women-begins-a-new-chapter/.
Contact meleofatovo [at] adventist.org.au.