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    Get involved! Join local meetups happening around Sydney.

    Please contact meetup organisers ahead of time to confirm meetup information and safety measures (where children are involved). Click here to include your meetup.



    Life Groups

    New to Sydney? Lonely? Social? Curious about the Bible? Join a Life Group. Link

    Plant-based Cooking Clubs


    Uniformed activities-based club for kids aged 4-9. Link


    Uniformed activities-based club for teens aged 10-15. Link

    Qulinaria - Bread Baking Club

    Dedicated to sourdough breads with no preservatives or other nasties. Link

    Adventist Students on Campus - ASOC

    A group for all university students at Sydney universities. Sydney, Macquarie

    Grey Nomads

    Meetup group for the over 55-crowd. Link

    Exercise & Fitness

    Mission & Community Service

    Adventist Volunteer Service (AVS), ADRA Connection Tours, Volunteer with GSC or Crosslands – Link

    Mens Groups

    There are a number of mens groups that meet around Sydney. Link


    SAW runs a number of projects and gatherings yearlong – Link

    Adventists Outdoors

    Bushwalking, abseiling, canoeing, mountain biking, canyoning & other outdoor activities. Events (Scroll ↓)

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