There are many aspects to church finance.
The returning of tithes and offerings is a matter of personal faith between you and God. We believe that the greatest rewards in giving belong to the giver, and they transcend monetary returns.
Tithe & Offerings
100 per cent of collected tithes and offerings go from the local church to the conference. It is then redistributed. More content and information on the breakdown of this distribution coming soon.
While the global church follows a set offering schedule, there are dates within that schedule where the offering will support local churches, conference projects or union initiatives. See below for tithe and offering information and resources.
Find weekly Tithe information at
Much of our humanitarian work is through the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA). It is the official humanitarian agency of the Adventist Church. The agency is operated by the church for the purpose of providing individual and community development and support, and disaster relief.
You can help by volunteering at one of our centres of support, by dropping off non-perishable foods at one of our ADRA centres or food pantries, or by donating to ADRA Australia at All donations to ADRA Australia of $2 or more are tax-deductible.
Also accepting donations is the 10,000 Toes initiative. South Pacific nations have the highest prevalence of diabetes in the world. As a result of this the United Nations reports that diabetes and other non-communicable diseases are one of the greatest threats to the regions development.
The 10,000 Toes campaign is committed to saving the lives and limbs of those affected. Learn more about this initiative and donate at
When we acknowledge that everything we are and all that we have comes from God and actually belongs to Him, it transforms the way we view what He has given us, including finances. For finance resources and budgeting workshops and events, head to our Personal Development (Stewardship) page.
eGiving allows secure online payments to Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Australia and New Zealand. Your generous tithe, offering, and donations help us build a better church and community. Give online at For how to use the eGiving website and app, click here.
The Greater Sydney Conference provides a complimentary trust service to church members, their families, and friends in the preparation of wills. Find out more about our Trust Services.
Role of the Local Church Treasurer
The gathering and handling of funds for God’s work is a sacred responsibility. The proper channel through which these funds flow is first from members to the local church, where the treasurer receives the funds. The treasurer disburses funds intended for local church purposes. The treasurer holds the funds in trust and then passes on to the Conference treasurer funds intended for Conference or general purposes.
The treasurer of the local church works under the direction of the Board. Treasurers do not act independently. They disburse funds only by action or authority of responsible committees.
Church finance is audited every year. The Churches accounts are audited by General Conference Auditing Service (GCAS) and the Schools and Aged Care accounts are audited by external auditors, Grant Thornton. Once completed, an audit report is generated and presented to the appropriate Board/Committee for review. Constituents are notified/updated on the annual budget via the IntraSyd or Constituency Report.
Treasurer forms and resources can be found via the button below. All upcoming training courses will be listed on our Events page.
A password is required to access the Treasurers hub. If you’re a local church treasurer needing access, please contact Richard Hurrell at or on 02 8876 5237.
What is tithe?
Tithe is one-tenth (1/10th) of your increase from either money or product that is returned to God. It is holy and belongs to Him, the Owner of all of our material possessions and lives. (Leviticus 27:30). The returning of tithes is an expression of our faithfulness to God.
What’s the difference between tithe and offering?
Tithes are returned while offerings are given. Offerings are our response of love and gratitude to God’s blessings and goodness. In giving tithes and offerings we worship God and advance His mission to make disciples in the world.
Where do tithe and offering go? – Click here (includes infographic)
Where can I find weekly tithe and offering information?
On our Giving/Tithe page at
What is stewardship? – Click here
Where can I give my tithe online? – Click here
Send an email to or call us on (02) 9868 6522.
Chief Financial Officer
Assistant Chief Financial Officer
Senior Accountant, Church Company
Assistant Church Auditor
Project Accountant
Finance Office
Assistant Accountant, Church Company
Assistant Accountant – Church Company
Account Officer, Church Company
Assistant Accountant, Church Company
Accountant, Unincorporated Church Company
Lead Accountant, Sydney Adventist Schools
Assistant Accountant, Schools company
Assistant Accountant, Sydney Adventist Schools
Finance Officer, Sydney Adventist Schools
Senior Accountant, Aged Care company
Accountant, Aged Care company