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    Kids & Teens

    Find a Vacation Bible School (VBS) near me

    Vacation Bible School is a great way for your kids to create, have fun, make friends, learn about God & life skills in a safe and positive environment. Find a VBS near you.

    More resources like this

    Children's Ministry, Kids & Teens


    Children’s Sabbath Resources

    Children’s Sabbath is a day set aside by churches for the purpose of highlighting and affirming the gift and gifts of children in our midst. This page provides everything you would need to put on a special Children's Sabbath program.

    Kids & Teens


    Kids & Teens Summer Holiday Camps

    Each year we run two or three Summer Camps during the month of January.

    Kids & Teens


    Find a Vacation Bible School (VBS) near me

    Vacation Bible School is a great way for your kids to create, have fun, make friends, learn about God & life skills in a safe and positive environment. Find a VBS near you.

    Adventurers, Kids & Teens, Pathfinders, Youth / Young Adults


    Find a Kids & Teens Club near You

    Find a Pathfinders or Adventurers club near you. This are uniformed, skill-learning clubs similar to scouts. Pathfinders or Adventurers clubs are co-ed.

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