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    Training, Treasury

    Treasury TrainingĀ for Local Church Treasurers

    Treasury Training courses and resources for all the local church treasurers in the Greater Sydney Conference.


    Role of the Local Church Treasurer

    The gathering and handling of funds for the Lordā€™s work is a sacred responsibility. The proper channel through which these funds flow is first from members to the local church, where the treasurer receives the funds. The treasurer disburses funds intended for local church purposes. The treasurer holds the funds in trust and then passes on to the Conference treasurer funds intended for Conference or general purposes.

    The treasurer of the local church works under the direction of the Board. Treasurers do not act independently. They disburse funds only by action or authority of responsible committees.


    Treasury Resources

    We have all the resources you will need to successfully manage church finances. Find forms, templated, manuals and offering resources at



    Contact us at [email protected].



    Local Church Treasurer Training

    Treasury Training courses are for all the local church treasurers. They are held on a monthly bases by GSC and are free of charge.

    All upcoming training courses will be listed on our Sydney events page or contact the Conference Finance department.


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    Local Church Treasurers

    Find Treasury resources for GS Adventist churches. This page is password protected.

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    Training, Treasury


    Treasury TrainingĀ for Local Church Treasurers

    Treasury Training courses and resources for all the local church treasurers in the Greater Sydney Conference.

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