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    Stewardship / Personal Development

    Stewardship (Personal Development) Resources

    Here you'll find resources to help you, your family, or your local church with stewardship / personal development.


    Stewardship is all aboutĀ prayerfullyĀ andĀ carefullyĀ managing and sharing everything that God has committed to our careā€”our time, talents, treasure, testimony and so much more. Letā€™s prayerfully manage, share and be grateful for all that He has entrusted to us, as we accept his invitation to experience a whole new level of Christ-centred, abundant living!

    To support you, your family, or your local church, the South Pacific Division office has compile the some helpful resources. Click the link below to access them.


    Seventh-day Adventist Church Stewardship Personal Development resources




    GSC Stewardship page

    For upcoming events visit the official GSC Stewardship page at

    Stewardship Month – June 2022

    The Stewardship month is an annual initiative of Greater Sydney Conference to invite our local membership to renew their commitment to God as good Stewards. The focus is to help us reconnect with God, understand our role as a good stewards of God, and develop new spiritual habits.

    The Stewardship department has developed different types of resources to support the local church, members and pastors to share the stewardship message.

    Download 2022 resources at Here’s what you’ll find in the Resource folder:


    1. How to prepare a sermon ā€“ Articles for sermons
    2. Stewardship Bible Study
    3. Week of Prayer ā€“ booklet and videos
    4. SHAPE Booklets
    5. Giving Equation Book by Ken Long – Physical copy only


    1. IAM Stewards booklet
    2. Activities – A3 board – Physical board

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    Stewardship / Personal Development


    Stewardship (Personal Development) Resources

    Here you'll find resources to help you, your family, or your local church with stewardship / personal development.

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