    • Your prayer request has been submitted.


    IntraSyd Magazine Archive, Submission Info & Deadline Dates 2024

    Publication dates for 2024 for the IntraSyd Magazine and the 2025 Greater Sydney Conference Calendar.


    The Greater Sydney Conference does not publish the Adventist Record.

    For questions regarding the Record, please contact Adventist Media directly at



    Publication dates for 2024

    • Q1| Submission deadline: — | Appears in Churches: —
    • Q2 | Submission deadline:  31 March | Appears in Churches: May
    • Q3 | Submission deadline: 15 June | Appears in Churches: Late July
    • Q4 | Submission deadline: 30 August  | Appears in Churches: October
    • 2025 GSC Calendar | Dates available — | Appears in Churches: TBA


    IntraSyd Archive

    To see past issues of the IntraSyd, visit here.



    See Media Kit for ad specs.



    Articles & Editorials

    Local news article restrictions: 150 words or less.

    Please keep local news items under 150 words and do not send recap. Rather than recaps, tell us (or show us using words) what made the event so special or interesting. Is there a story to share? What was the message everyone received? What was the reason behind your event and what need the event solve?

    Editorial restrictions: 500 words or less. Longer pieces of 1000-1200 word may be accommodated if space is available. Space is not guaranteed.


    How to Submit

    When submitting your content for the IntraSyd, please help us out by following these instructions.


    Articles and Editorials should be labeled as such:

    • Intrasyd-MonMon-year-FirstLast-article.docx
    • Intrasyd-MonMon-year-ChurchName.docx


    • Intrasyd-JanFeb-2019-JohnSmith-article.dox
    • Intrasyd-JanFeb-2019-Warrimoo-article-evangelism.docx

    *Please stick to the word limit. 

     Flyers, Posters & Photos

    Accompanying images should be labeled (“church-event-MonMon-year-#.jpg/png“) and attached to the email as individual attachments, and be captioned.

    Example: Intrasyd-JanFeb-2019-Warrimoo-1.jpg, Caption: Jane Doe fielding questions



    Send submissions to [email protected].

    Please submit zipped file of items (articles and images with captions if any) IN ONE EMAIL subjected “Intrasyd – Mon/Mon Year” (example: Intrasyd – Jan/Feb 2019) t


    File Notes

    If the file is too large to go via email, please send it via (free).

    More resources like this



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    Social Media For Churches & Ministries

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    Zoom for Churches

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