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    Local Businesses Terms & Conditions

    Terms & Conditions for including your business on the Local Adventist Business Listing page.


    Terms & Conditions

    Listing of Adventist + member owned and operated businesses throughout Greater Sydney. Again we note that some of these businesses may operate on Sabbath due to their nature. Our intention is to support members during these time.

    Please note that:

    • Businesses must be Adventist owned and operated.
    • Listings are subject to approvals.
    • Businesses must not go against organisational values.
    • The Conference reserves the right to refuse listings.
    • The Conference is not responsible for and will not be held liable goods or services rendered that are outside the Greater Sydney Conference, Sydney Adventist Schools and Sydney Adventist Aged Care Companies.

    Due to limited personnel,

    • Approved business will not automatically be listed. New listings will be added at the convenience of the communications team.
    • We cannot cater to casual businesses at this time, but are thinking of ways to do so in the future.

    To be included, businesses owners must:

    • Have an ABN number
    • Have website or social media page with updated contact information. The Conference will not be responsible for fielding questions regarding businesses.
    • State their local church & pastor

    To get started send an email  containing your business name, ABN details, a website or social media site link (containing contact details), a photo of your business/company, and local church information to gsccomms [at] and subject the email “Local Business Listing”.

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