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    Finance / Tithe, Services

    Free Service | Get your Will prepared!

    YES YOU NEED A WILL! And we offer this service free to members. Having a will ensures your wishes will be carried out and your loved ones are provided for. If you don't have a will, you don't have any say about how your estate is distributed.


    The Greater Sydney Conference provides a complimentary trust service to church members, their families, and friends in the preparation of wills. This is a free service under the direction of a practicing solicitor. Our Director of Trust Services can assist you in planning and disposition of assets and the preparation of a valid will. Click here for more information and to book an appointment.

    If you are requiring a new Will, changes to your Will, or have legal questions on your current Will, please contact Nerise Fehlberg, Trust Services Departmental Assistant, to set up an appointment: [email protected] or dial (02) 9868 6522.






    Meet our Trust Services Director

    Mr Jonathan Valls is a strong community and social services professional with a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Universidad de Navarra (Spain), a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Theology from the Adventist University of France and a Diploma in Sociology and Social Psychology from Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Spain).

    [email protected]

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    YES YOU NEED A WILL! And we offer this service free to members. Having a will ensures your wishes will be carried out and your loved ones are provided for. If you don't have a will, you don't have any say about how your estate is distributed.

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