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Complimentary Trust Services

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    Free Service – Wills & Trust Services

    The Greater Sydney Conference provides a complimentary (free) trust service to church members, their families, and friends in the preparation of valid wills.


    Preparation of Wills

    The Greater Sydney Conference provides a complimentary service to church members, their families and friends in the preparation of wills.  Our Director of Trust Services can assist you in planning and disposition of assets and the preparation of a valid will.

    Wills are prepared without charge under the direction of a practicing solicitor. This personal and confidential service is available by appointment at the Greater Sydney Conference Office and through regional visitation by our Director of Trust Services.

    The service is personal and confidential and is an important part of the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to minister spiritually and practically to the needs of our community.

    When to Make Will

      • When your relationship status changes
      • When your family circumstances change
      • When your financial situation changes
      • Any time is a good time to make a will and ensure your family’s future is secure


    For more information and to book an appointment, contact GS Trust Services at [email protected] or dial (02) 9868 6522.

    Why should I have a will?

    When you make a Will, you are ensuring that the people and the causes you hold dear are provided for from your estate.  It is important to recognise that everyone has a legal and moral responsibility to provide for their family — in particular, for a spouse and children.


    I would like to leave something to charity/the church. What options are there?

    Once those close to us are provided for, you may wish to make a bequest in your Will to give a portion or a specific dollar amount to a cause or charity that is important to you.  In this way, you will ensure that what you valued in life will continue to grow in the new century after your death.

    The Greater Sydney Conference consists of a dedicated team of people who provide leadership, resources, training and services to the local Seventh-day Adventist Churches and church members in our region, enabling them to serve the wider community.  Our mission is to experience and share our hope in Jesus Christ.

    ADRA Community Centre (Blacktown)

    This free counselling outreach provides hope to some of the poorest people in Sydney — addicted, unemployed and abused.  The Centre operates on the good will of donors but has always struggled to meet its financial commitments.  You can assist by becoming a regular tax deductible donor through ADRA Australia.

    Adventist Education

    One of the core ministries of our Church, the Adventist Schools in Sydney offer a range of facilities and programs from Preschool to Year 12.  Our students experience Adventist faith in action every day.  Your gift will assist us to continue to provide resources, building developments, fee subsidies and pastoral chaplaincy to enable us to create both a quality Adventist education and an accessible education for everyone.

    Adventist Aged Care – Greater Sydney (AAC)

    AAC is a not-for-profit organisation that prides itself on its ability to offer affordable aged care with love and dignity — irrespective of financial abilities.  Two of our establishments came about from the generous gifts given through deceased estates and your gift will help continue this legacy into the future.

    Adventist Women

    Your gift will provide resources to equip women for service in the church and in the community.

    Discipleship Tool Box — Contagious Christian

    Creating innovative ways to engage people in spiritual growth: This includes tools that churches can use for growing the congregation spiritually and developing small group guides, DVDs and online tools that promote spiritual growth.  Your contribution will fund the development of resources for effective discipleship in the home along with funding the development of small group materials and training events.

    Fund for Needy Persons 

    The Greater Sydney Conference operates a tax deductible charitable fund for the purpose of assisting people in crisis.  Care is taken to avoid creating dependency while assisting people through unforeseen personal emergencies.  One hundred percent of fund go to beneficiaries. Telephone (02) 9868-6522 for more information.

    Institute of Church Leadership Development (ICLD) 

    Supporting leadership development for the local church: Your contribution will be used to resource young leaders in their development and cover costs of books, training events, leadership networking and fund the development of innovation, church leadership and development tools.

    Pastoral Development

    When you invest in the professional and spiritual growth of pastors, you are contributing to the health and growth of the churches they lead.  Your gift will ensure intern sponsorship programs, ethnic support and the ongoing growth of the church through the continuing education and professional development of pastors in the field.

    Youth Ministries

    Growing disciples and mobilising leaders is the core business of the Youth Ministries Department.  Your contribution would help facilitate training programs, develop resources and create environments and events to help us achieve this.  Resource development would include Youth Leadership Training Curriculum, Mentoring material and topics to help teens and youth in their every day life.  Your gift would help in the ares of Adventurer, Pathfinder, Teen Youth and Young Adult Ministries; sponsoring of service opportunities, such as Local Community Service, Storm Co’s and short-term mission trips would also be enhanced.


    Am I required to leave something to charity/the church?


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    Free Service | Get your Will prepared!

    YES YOU NEED A WILL! And we offer this service free to members. Having a will ensures your wishes will be carried out and your loved ones are provided for. If you don't have a will, you don't have any say about how your estate is distributed.

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