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    Family Togetherness Week of Prayer (Annual)

    An annual General Conference led initiative that is held up by churches around the world scheduled during the first week of September every year.


    Family Togetherness Week of Prayer is scheduled during the first week of September, beginning with the first Sunday and ending on the following Sabbath with Family Togetherness Day of Prayer.




    For other resources and upcoming event visit the Family Ministries page. Contact Family Ministries at [email protected].

    FTWOP 2023 | Keys to Healthy Minds: Flourishing Families

    This year’s Family Togetherness Week of Prayer Resource shares concepts to help families and individuals flourish in their emotional health. Our prayer is that this will be a reality we can all experience as we allow God’s peace, joy, hope, and healing to abide in our hearts.



    Promotional Materials: Promo items     |    Resources: English, Spanish

    Short link:

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    Family Togetherness Week of Prayer (Annual)

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