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    Do something, Women

    COMMUNITY | Create a Mums Group

    Create a mums group and provide friendship and community to mums in your local area.


    sydney mums group playdate



    Mothers are the door to shaping families. They’re the watchful nurturers, teachers, providers and protectors of their children. Their role, however, is far from easy. They have a deep need for encouragement, community and support in their motherhood journey.

    Mums At The Table is all about friendship, fostering relationships and community.



    Click this link and fill out the contact form.

    Ways to get involved and support mums

    1. Create a Local Group

    This helpful guide walks you through the 5 steps to creating a group. – JPG

    2. Be a group moderator

    This guide outlines the numerous reason why Moderators and important and why this role might be right for you. – JPG

    3. Get your church involved in Community Engagement

    While Mums At The Table can work independently of an existing church/school ministry, we have found it highly beneficial to partner with one. If your church/school doesn’t already have a ministry that caters to outreach and serving the community, you may want to consider creating one, as it ensures there’s a regular program to attend.

    This prospectus outline the positives of Mums at the Table groups and how they can be a light to the community and the church. – PDF

    Ways to get involved

    • Playgroup
    • Mums’ exercise group
    • Cooking class
    • After school homework club
    • Family socials
    • Mainly Music or child-friendly music sessions
    • Messy play activities
    • Storytelling groups
    • Depression/anxiety recovery workshops
    • CHIP programs
    • Marriage/relationships enrichment programs
    • Free babysitting services at church, so parents can have a few hours to enjoy a lunch or dinner date
    • Ask a mum you know what she would really love a church/school to offer

    It’s really that simple.

    More resources like this

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