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    Finance / Tithe

    Tithe and Offering 101: Where does my tithe go?

    All about tithe and offering, how it's divided and where it goes.


    Learn about church giving, aka tithe and offering. Find out what it is, the difference between them, and where money giving for tithe and offering goes.



    The Greater Sydney Conference finance team handle finances for Adventist churches in Greater Sydney Conference. Meet the team and learn more about what they do here.

    Learn about church giving, aka tithe and offering. Find out what it is, the difference between them, and where money giving for tithe and offering goes.

    Tithe should be returned first, when the personal income or increase is received.

    With money, place it in a Tithe and Offering envelope and return the envelope to the church you attend. Make it an act of worship as you remember that He is your Creator, Redeemer and Lord of all your life.

    Within the SDA church tithe is received by the local congregation and sent on to the local conference/mission/field office. This is the central “storehouse” for distribution in keeping with Church Policy.

    While the distribution percentages vary somewhat in different conferences, the largest portion of the tithe is used to support the ministry of local churches through pastoral salaries, as well as evangelism and additional services provided to the local church.

    Yes. As the Israelites were about to be established as a nation, tithing was reaffirmed by God (Deuteronomy 14:22-27). The tithing system reaches beyond the days of Moses and Abraham thus providing a foundation for tithing practices in the New Testament.

    Regardless of your financial obligations, you are always ‘in debt’ to God, the owner of all. It is a gross injustice to use God’s holy tithe to square your accounts with human creditors.

    Love is the motive and rational that leads us to recognize our responsibility whether rich or poor. Without love, the rich will not like to return tithe. Without love, the poor will not like to return tithe from the little he has. Tithing is easy for all who remember God’s ownership and respond in love and worship.

    By returning one tenth of our increase to Him, we remember God is the owner of everything He has entrusted into our hands. Tithing incorporates our worship to partnership with God, support of His mission, ministry, and church. Tithing is also an expression of loyalty that connects us with God’s promises and blessings, giving us a sense of fellowship in the Divine-human partnership.



    Where do our tithe and offerings go?


    25% to nominated World Mission projects (refer to back page of Sabbath School lesson) and 75% to World Mission Budget – General Conference

    Bible correspondence course, Dial-a-Prayer, Signs Ministry, Net Adventist Web Ministry, Music Ministry, letter box card supply, public relations, marketing, communications – Adventist Media Network

    AM, FM radio, internet broadcasting, 10/40 window outreach – General Conference

    Unique mission opportunities – General Conference

    To assist in covering the costs of supplies and expenses of the ADRA Appeal – Local Conference

    Mamarapha College and other projects as designated by the Australian Union Conference –  Australian Union Conference

    Institutions: Avondale & Pacific Adventist University in alternate years – South Pacific Division

    Pacific Island projects as allocated by the South Pacific Division

    Collected biannually to provide services to the hearing and sight impaired – South Pacific Division

    To assist ADRA Australia respond to suffering in the wake of disasters both here and overseas – ADRA Australia

    Where this is collected within a Local Conference, it is allocated to assist in the funding of their education operations –  Local Conference

    • Health

    Development of health, temperance and lifestyle projects – shared 50/50 with Local Conference and the South Pacific Division

    • Local Church

    Outreach, church ministries, utilities, repairs and maintenance, Sabbath School expenses, worship resources, local church school support, insurance and more – Local Church

    • Local Conference

    Specific Projects, including new churches, evangelism, youth camp development, camp meetings, guest speakers, regional meetings – Local Conference

    • Mission Extension

    Capital expenditure projects in the Union Missions – South Pacific Division

    The support of pastors in the Mission Territories – South Pacific Division

    • Adventist Record

    Assist in the printing and supplying of the Record to members in the South Pacific Division and the production and broadcasting of media programs via television, digital and social media. – Adventist Media Network

    Allocated for mission programs and projects in the World Divisions – General Conference

    • World Mission

    Inter-Division employee budgets, and mission budgets distributed for worldwide mission programs and projects – General Conference

    Unentered territories/people groups, church plants – General Conference

    • Youth 

    Youth volunteer projects and evangelism collected biannually (odd numbered years).  Funds are allocated by the South Pacific Division to Local Conferences and Missions for specific youth projects – South Pacific Division

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    Finance / Tithe


    Tithe and Offering 101: Where does my tithe go?

    All about tithe and offering, how it's divided and where it goes.

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