The mantle of Director of Women Ministries for the Greater Sydney Conference (GSC) has been passed on. After 10 dedicated years of mission and service, Mrs. Beryl Landers made the Spirit-led decision to take a new path. In a post reflecting on her time leading the ministry, Beryl shared this:
“The 10 years as Director of Sydney Adventist Women has taught me so much, stretched me, and grown my faith. Together we have seen the hand of God over this ministry. We have experienced so many miracles and answers to prayer. I’ve been so blessed to be supported by a powerful, committed Prayer Support Team, without who I would’ve not wanted to do ministry.
In the 10 years, I had the awesome privilege of leading amazing, talented, generous Advisory team members, who were open and willing to dream dreams with me. Women, who gave their time, energy, resources and talents to make the vision a reality. Thank you for enduring the many emails, the countless meetings, the pushing.
To my assistant, Nerise, who was a direct answer to prayer, thank you for your dedication. We were a great a team.
Thank you to all the volunteers who served and sacrificed, who believed in the cause, who helped make a difference.”
I am so, so grateful to God, for all that He has done. My heart is full and satisfied, as I hand over the baton.”

Beryl with husband, Dr Ken Landers

PAST & PRESENT LEADERS: Dulce Ferguson, Dr Danijela Schubert, Beryl Landers, Erna Johnson, Gilda Dholah Roddy, Sylvia Mendez, Joy Butler, Jane Gibson-Opetaia

Sydney Adventist Women’s team & volunteers
Meet the new Women’s Ministry Director for Greater Sydney Conference

Mrs. Meleofa Tovo
Mrs. Meleofa Tovo has been appointed as the new Women’s Ministry Director for the Greater Sydney Conference. A Kiwi-born, Aussie-raised Tongan, Meleofa is excited to lead GSC Women’s Ministry and add just that little something extra to the strong legacy that has been passed on to her.
Meleofa’s educational background is in Accounting, Taxation and Business Administration, and she has been serving in the GSC Finance team for the last 11 years respectively in Payroll and Tithe & Offerings.
Meleofa has a heart for service with a mission of nurturing, inspiring, encouraging, empowering, and equipping women to serve God and share the gospel to all. Her aspirations are God, her family and organising, planning, and undertaking events, which will suit her new role wonderfully.
She is married to husband Selwyn and they have one daughter, Rozannah, who just graduated Year 12 from MountainView Adventist College.
Meet the team
Behind the duo are a group of women dedicated to the ministry and its impact in the community. Here are the Advisory Committee members for the next four years.
For information on Sydney Adventist Women, contact (02) 9868 6522 or [email protected].