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    Reaching New Heights with Adventist Outdoors

    11 July 2024

    abseiling adventures sydney with Adventist Outdoors


    The Epping Ryde Pathfinder Club recently met on top of the hill above Crosslands Youth & Convention Centre for a day of abseiling—the opposite of rock climbing, where participants use ropes to descend rocky cliffs—with Adventist Outdoors (AO), a volunteer organisation that helps lead Pathfinder expeditions.

    “All day was dedicated to abseiling and helping our young people experience something new, as they were trying to achieve the Pathfinder Abseiling Honour,” shares Dejan Stojkovich, GSC Youth Director. “The main purpose of them having this amazing day with Adventist Outdoor is to push kids a bit out of their comfort zones, build better team spirit, and also help them do Pathfinder honours that are very difficult or expensive to do.”


    abseiling adventures sydney with Adventist Outdoors


    Ten Pathfinders and their parents were part of the event. “After a quick introduction and safety briefing, the Pathfinders were suited up and made their way to the abseiling location,” says Pathfinder Club leader Josh Lee. “Many of the kids had previous adventures in rock climbing but not abseiling, so it was a new experience.”

    The AO team was there to help. “Nerves were high, but the AO team were very professional and showed their knowledge and skill in walking the kids through the process each step of the way,” says Mr Lee. “From explaining the equipment being used, to key words used to communicate, like ‘Safe!’ and ‘Off Rope!’”


    abseiling adventures sydney with Adventist Outdoors


    Thanks to the AO team, it didn’t take long for the youth to catch on. “After a bit of a slow start for their first descents, things began to pick up speed as the Pathfinders grew in confidence,” says Mr Lee. He explains that the Pathfinders were “running from the bottom of the cliff face after repelling down to the top just to get another turn. Definitely a story to tell school friends the next day—‘I did it!’”

    The kids weren’t the only ones to get in on the action.

    Pr Stojkovich and some of the adults also gave abseiling their best try. “Descending the 15-meter cliff is no walk in the park, as I quickly discovered after witnessing many of our young people take the plunge,” he says. “I decided to give it a try myself, and those first few steps over the edge truly made me understand why some of them were a bit shaky. Despite the initial fear, everyone did remarkably well, including myself.”

    At the end of the day, the Pathfinders had learned a new skill, and everyone earned their Abseiling Honour. “The outcome was an abundance of joyous faces, braving something quite daunting and definitely out of the ordinary,” Pr Stojkovich says. “There was also a strong sense of camaraderie, with love and support evident both during the activities and in the written reflections. This event marked another successful day for Adventist Outdoors, fostering connections with young people and local churches, and sharing their passion amidst God’s breathtaking creation.”


    Adventists Outdoors (AO)

    Adventist Outdoors kayaking adventures Sydney


    “God speaks to us through nature without ceasing.” EGW

    Wellbeing and nature go hand-in-hand. Through programs like Adventists Outdoors, Greater Sydney Conference provides opportunities to get out in nature, learn new things and have fun, whether it at our Crosslands Youth & Convention Centre in Galston, or the vast wilds of New South Wales and beyond.

    AO is a volunteer organisation led by nationally qualified outdoorsmen versed in a variety of skills. AO are committed to providing safe outdoor adventure activities and developing activity skills.

    AO also works with Pathfinders to provide safe outdoor adventures and helps students develop skills they can use throughout life.

    For upcoming events and available outdoor resources, visit

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