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    News, Press Release

    PR | GSC Office to Move to New Location within SPD Offices

    8 September 2022

    The Greater Sydney Conference entrance at the South Pacific Division office is through the front wooden doors, not the main glass doors.


    The Greater Sydney Conference (GSC) Office will relocate to the south wing of the South Pacific Division (SPD) Office at 148 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW, directly across the street from the current location at the Sydney Adventist Hospital. The move is slated for 26-30 September 2022. Operations in the new office will begin on the 4th of October.

    Project Manager Patricia Goncalves will coordinate the relocation. “It is a huge task, moving approximately 50 employees and their respective materials, archive documents and storage items,” she says. “The move is planned for late September, but the timeline may be subject to change.”

    The relocation is necessary due to the deteriorating state of the Shannon Building at the Sydney Adventist Hospital (SAH). There are major and costly renovations needed to bring the building up to compliance to the building code. With the owner, SAH, having earmarked the building for eventual demolition, it isn’t economically viable to carry out renovations; therefore, the Conference has decided to relocate the Conference Office until its permanent offices at the Epping location are completed in or around 2025.

    This move has many benefits, according to Conference leadership. Remaining in close proximity to the existing location, reinforcing professional relationships between the GSC and the SPD, and keeping funds within the church family are just a few of the upsides.

    “I am excited that the move will bring us closer to our colleagues at SPD,” says Colin Raymond, Chief Financial Officer of the Greater Sydney Conference. “By being under the same roof, we will be able to interact directly with our fellow workers.”

    The relocation also keeps the Adventist mission front and center. “The SPD has space in their building, and from a stewardship perspective it is best to rent within the church setting,” says Pr. Alban Matohiti, GSC President. Mr. Raymond agrees, “Our membership will be pleased to know that with this relocation we are supporting a fellow church entity by renting their premises rather than those of an external party.”


    When visiting the new office enter through the front wooden doors and not through the SPD (glass door) entrance and check in with GSC Reception. Contact GSC on (02) 9868 6522 or the person you are meeting upon arrival so that they can meet you.

    All visitors, even if they have a meeting in an SPD meeting room, must first come through our reception and sign in with GSC Reception.

    Due to the limited space and combined offices, scheduled meetings are strongly encouraged.


    04 October: The Conference office has resumed operations in the new office and is now open for visitors. Please see notes above.

    05 September: Due to office relocation happening on the week of the 26th – 30th September the Conference are requiring staff to work remotely/from home for the duration of this period.  Email will be the recommended means of contact during this time.





    External image of Adventist Christian Church Sydney new temporary head office in Wahroonga

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