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    Journey to Wholeness: The Power of Support

    21 July 2021


    Every Monday morning, healing happens at the Dundas Seventh-day Adventist Church, as a group gathers on a journey to wholeness. The Journey to Wholeness program, developed to provide a safe environment for individuals recovering from addiction, follows a modified 12-step program approach and helps those struggling with alcohol, drugs, smoking, pornography, spiritual pride, greed, anger, and more.

    “Journey to Wholeness is exactly that,” shares Carol Sickle, who runs the program at Dundas Adventist Church. “It is a journey of progress, not perfection.”

    During the weekly meetings, the group begins by watching a videotaped testimony of someone who is in the process of overcoming addiction. Then, with that encouragement, group participants are welcomed to share on the video topic or one of the recovery steps. Everything shared remains confidential, so participants feel free to talk about their struggles and victories.

    “Wholeness is the state of being content, at peace, taken care of, and healed from the inside out,” Carol explains. “You’re no longer a victim to the things of your past, nor bogged down by stains of regrets, nor burdened by the worries of the world. To be truly whole means God is the centre of your world and you’ve given Him the permission to mend the cracks in your heart, mind and physical body caused by hurt and pain in life.”

    However, for most people, this is easier to say than do. Carol says this is why the power of a support group is best experienced. “Sometimes facing the reality of your flaws, your mistakes, and your brokenness can be extremely uncomfortable and even terrifying,” she says. “For this reason, many people avoid it. The Journey to Wholeness program supports anyone in the journey towards recovery and to experience the power of God’s healing and completion. Joining a group is always the best way to experience this kind of support.”

    Group hosts often have personal experience with addiction and struggle, making them effective leaders and helpers. “Having empathy, compassion and affiliation are necessary to host a support group,” says Carol. “When you have experienced some form of struggle with addiction, you have a fuller understanding and the sensitivity of the struggle, as well as the pain and consequences of what others are going through.”

    For the Dundas group, like all Journey to Wholeness cohorts, leadership matters. “The key to having successful ongoing support group meetings is to have leaders who have the gift of shepherding,” Carol explains. “Joanne is our shepherd. She faithfully sends encouraging Bible texts every day, and she rings everyone before meetings to confirm if they will be at the meeting, then she rounds up everyone that does not have transport and brings them along.”

    This winter individuals and church leaders who wish to help others who are struggling with addiction and compulsive behaviours have a chance to attend a 15-hour training weekend. Church elders, pastors, educators, health professionals and church members with a desire to learn about recovery, healing and tools for wholeness can register online to learn how to start a support group program in their area.

    Carol encourages others to pursue wholeness and peace, always praying that God will put them in the right place to meet people who can aid them on their journeys. For many, joining or hosting a Journey to Wholeness program meets that need. “Brokenness is so common in our society that it has become normal,” she says. “But being broken, hurt, bitter and sick is not God’s plan for your life. Thinking about all the things that appear to be wrong with you can be tiring, taxing, draining and depressing. But God takes you on a journey not to make you miserable, but to bring you joy! You may not be exactly where you feel you should be, and you may feel that you have a long way to go, but remember to enjoy the journey. Embrace yourself, flaws and all, and embrace your God, Who loves you in every state.”


    By Dr Christiana Leimena-Lehn

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