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    Local Church | Impact Day & Impact Month

    22 April 2021


    The 2021 “Missional Sharing Book of the Year” entitled Hope for Troubled Times is being shipped now from Signs Publishing to all Conferences for member distribution in May.  Here is how you can prepare for the May 15 Literature Impact Day.


    • Ask your Pastor if copies have been ordered for your church.
    • Plan a literature distribution event/s in the month of May.
    • Read a copy in advance and pray for ways to collectively share this book in your community.

    If you haven’t already, now would be a good time to make sure that your church has purchased the Hope for Troubled Times books and that members are aware of the Distribution month in May.   Visit our website for the latest details and to read the new sharing book and to share more resources with your church.  Also, encourage them to pray, read the book and plan for an Impact event.


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