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    GSC Youth Director, Pr Simon Gigliotti, named NAC President

    28 July 2023


    The Northern Australian Conference appointments committee met on July 10 to prayerfully consider a new president. The appointed president is Pastor Simon Gigliotti, current youth director for Greater Sydney Conference.

    “Pastor Simon Gigliotti is a spiritual man,” said Pastor Terry Johnson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia. “He’s intelligent and a strategic visionary leader who will ably continue the kingdom narrative that successive presidents in the NAC have worked on.”

    The outgoing president, Pastor Darren Slade, has accepted a call to be a local church pastor and church planter in the Greater Sydney Conference after seven years of leadership there and almost 13 years of presidential leadership having begun his administrative calling in Tasmania in 2012.

    The conference appointments committee took the time to pray and by faith decided on a process to follow in the appointment of a new president. Pastor Johnson, chairman of the commitee, said “Our time together was bathed in prayer from around the entire conference as a request was made at the NAC Big camp 10 days prior, for all the members to pray that the Holy Spirit would lead and give wisdom on whom should be the new president for the Conference.  It was clear with the tone and calmness with which the committee went about its duties that those prayers were answered.”

    The appointment means Pastor Gigliotti will return to serve the area he grew up in.

    “I feel honoured and humbled that I’ve been called to lead the Church in Northern Australia,” said Pastor Gigliotti.

    “I grew up in Ravenshoe in the Atherton Tablelands (North Queensland) and I’ve lived in Cairns, Townsville, and Mackay along the East Coast where I worked as a Plumber, and later a Pastor.

    “It was in Cairns, at the age of 21, when I made a real commitment to Jesus as I studied the Bible with one of the Cairns church members. And, it was in Townsville that I was nurtured in my walk with Jesus, was re-baptised at 22, and made my decision to go into full time ministry.”

    “Simon has 11 years of ministry experience, working as a Bible worker at local church to being a church pastor and then seven years of youth department leadership in the NAC, VIC and GSC fields,” said Pastor Johnson. “[He] will bring a strong passion for mission here and abroad.

    “The church will be blessed by having a third Conference president under the age of 40 in the team of nine!”

    Pastor Gigliotti is married with one daughter.

    “My wife and I can very clearly see God’s hand in the call, and we are looking forward to His leading as we make the transition.

    “I’m excited to get around the Conference and meet the people on the ground and I’m looking forward to working with the church members, pastoral and departmental staff, office team, campground managers, and education staff, as we share the good news of Jesus Christ and His soon coming with the people in Northern Australia.

    “Please keep our family in prayer as we take on this new role.”

    by  Jarrod Stackelroth


    Article republished from the Record

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