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    AUC Member Perspectives Survey

    2 September 2022

    Our country and our world has changed in the last few years, affecting our work, our friends, our families and our faith. In this brand new world, we want to know what is important to you and we want you to take part in the Our Church: Member Perspectives survey being run by the Australian Union Conference.

    There are a few questions we would like you to give some extra thought to. We want to know how COVID and lockdowns have affected your relationships with other people and with God. Did your connection to your church family change during this time? Have you grown spiritually, and closer to God? Has your family worship changed at home?

    In the last days of earth’s history, mission and pastoral ministry are playing an important role in sharing God’s love. Do you believe that God has equipped all believers with spiritual gifts to serve in the local church? And do you think that God has called both men and women into pastoral ministry?

    We want to know your perspectives on these and much more.

    So don’t miss your chance to participate in the Our Church: Member Perspectives survey being held from August 13 to September 10.

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