    • Your prayer request has been submitted.


    Communication is the key to life. And our communication department is here to help build bridges of hope and better communication with internal and external audiences.

    We create and distribute publications like the IntraSyd news magazine, Sydney Adventist e-Newsletter, the Sydney Adventist Calendar, videos (including commercials!), social media and other resources. Read on for more information about the items we produce and how we can collaborate.

    We’re also here to help Sydney Adventist churches start and improve their own communication and marketing initiatives, including branding and signage that reflects each individual congregation and website creation and development—no marketing gurus or tech-savvy webmasters required.


    What we can help with

    • PR & Marketing Strategies geared to the churches geographical area or language/cultural group, or department
    • Event Campaigns & Marketing
    • Community Engagement Ideation
    • Graphics & Collateral
    • Advertising: Radio, TV & Digital
    • Website Development & SEO
    • Branding & Communications Guidance, Coordination & Support
    • Writing
    • Digital Evangelism


    Publication dates for 2024

    • Q1| Submission deadline: — | Appears in Churches: —
    • Q2 | Submission deadline:  31 March | Appears in Churches: May
    • Q3 | Submission deadline: 15 June | Appears in Churches: Late July
    • Q4 | Submission deadline: 30 August  | Appears in Churches: October
    • 2025 GSC Calendar | Dates available — | Appears in Churches: TBA


    Details on our communication channels:


    The IntraSyd Magazine

    Published every other month, our conference publication reports on Adventist news and stories from around Greater Sydney.

    • Click here for deadlines, dates and how to submit or see the Resource section below.
    • Visit here to see past issues.


    The essential email newsletter for Sydney’s Adventist community. Sign up to get our curated local news, stories, and events delivered to your inbox.


    Advertising with us is a great way to reach the Adventist community throughout Greater Sydney. We offer a limited number of print, digital and social media ad options. Terms and restrictions do apply. See our media kit for details.

    Beyond reaching the Adventist community, we are here to help churches reach the Greater Sydney community, whether that is strengthening reach or improving visibility in the suburb, language or cultural community.


    Have a house or room to let? A project you need volunteers for? Know of a community event other Adventists around greater Sydney might enjoy? Organising a leisure or mission trip open to all? Got something else to share?

    Submit it to our Notice Board. Note that submissions are not automatically posted and are subject to approval.

    Branding & Church Websites

    The South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church provides a rulebook containing specifications on everything that plays a role in the look and feel of our church brand. These guidelines describe the core elements and principles of our identity system.

    For the guidebook, church logos, SPD fonts, info on setting up a church website and other resources, see the Resource section further below on this page, or visit our Resource Library.


    Click here to share your meetup.

    Ready to get started? Click here to view our media kit. 


    Check out the issue here. Download directly using the down arrow.






    MARKETING 101: How to Market Your Church Event

    A helpful guide on marketing your church event via web, social media, and other marketing options.



    Adventist Place | Create a Church Website, FAQs + A Web Marketing Guide

    Designed especially for churches without a tech savvy webmaster, Adventist Place website builder enables basic computer users to easily create and manage a simple church website + Web Marketing resources



    Social Media For Churches & Ministries

    Tips on getting social media started for your church or ministry and how to manage it.



    Zoom for Churches

    Zoom for churches: How to get it for your local church and resources to use it.

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