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    Adults (55+)

    You’ve experienced how beautiful and challenging life can be. And your church is here to help you maximise the good and make the most of it.

    The best part is you don’t have to do it alone. We’ve got resources for financial management, parenting, stewardship, health and wellness, social growth and community, retirement, Bible studies and more. You’ll find links below for all the ways the Sydney Adventist family is here for you.

    Grey Nomads

    Grey Nomads is a movement of adults over 55 years old who travel for an extended time — from weeks to months around Australia. The Adventist church hosts an annual Grey Nomads event typically in North News South Wales but does not have a chapter in Greater Sydney. If you would like to start a chapter here in Sydney, do get in touch with us!

    Adults (55+)




    Sydney Meetups | GSC

    Get involved! Join local meetups happening around Sydney.

    Community, Singles


    Adventist Singles on Facebook

    This is the official Greater Sydney Conference Adventist Singles Network Facebook Group (GSCASN). The group comprises of unmarried and newly single Adventist individuals in the Greater Sydney area.



    Free Service – Wills & Trust Services

    The Greater Sydney Conference provides a complimentary (free) trust service to church members, their families, and friends in the preparation of valid wills.

    Community, Singles


    Join a Life Group (Small Group) – Meetup

    There are a number of Life Groups around Sydney open to new members. Life groups can essentially be anywhere, but here are our churches with a Life Group Meetup Network.

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