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    Stewardship Training

    17 August 2024
    Parramatta SDA Church
    77-81 Hammers Road
    Northmead, NSW 2152

    Stewardship training by SPD Stewardship Director, Julian Archer.

    The stewardship training is for all pastors and church members and leaders. Topics for this training will include:

    • Session 1: Stewardship Toolkit
      Resources and strategies for local church stewardship ministries. All attendees will receive ready-to-use resources and practical strategies that will help to inspire faithful stewardship in their local church.
    • Session 2: The Heart of Stewardship
      We’ll take a deep-dive into the true foundation of stewardship and reveal the key motivator that fuels all our giving to God’s mission.

    Short link:



    What is stewardship?

    Stewardship is the understanding that everything we are and all that we have comes from and belongs to God. This transforms the way we view what God has given us and what we can give back to Him, including our health, time, talents and treasure.

    Stewardship is also personal development. Seeker. Believer. Learner. Server. Leader. We’re each on a spiritual journey. Whether you’re a new believer, returning to church, a lifelong Adventist or somewhere in the middle, your personal development and stewardship are intertwined.

    Stewardship training is geared towards personal development in helping you improve your health, time, talents, treasure or faith, or in leading your personal network or local church in stewardship.


    Download the Hi-Res Flyer


    17 August 2024


    Parramatta SDA Church
    77-81 Hammers Road
    Northmead, NSW 2152


    Pr Asofitu Leatuavao
    [email protected]


    Julian Archer

    South Pacific Division Stewardship Director

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