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    Kids, Youth

    International Camporee 2029

    6 August 2029 - 12 August 2029
    Gillette, Wyoming (USA)

    Join us on the trip from Australia to the International Camporee 2024 in Gillette, Wyoming (USA).

    The international camporee is a great opportunity to meet Pathfinders from around the world. The 2024 Believe the Promise Camporee will highlight the exciting story of Moses and Miriam in an exciting production each evening as well as offer various honours and activities that Pathfinders from around the world will enjoy.


    This event is not organised by the Greater Sydney Conference. For more information, please contact the information below.



    international pathfinder camporee

    international pathfinder camporee

    Australian Union Conference (AUC) Trip Registration

    Information to come closer to the date.

    If you are under 18, you will need a guardian.


    Australian Union Conference (AUC) Trip Itinerary

    • Flight Details: The AUC will book the flights, but only if the required money has been paid by the due date. Date yet to be announced. (Contact AUC for more)
    • Approximate Cost: $… AUD | Includes Flights, hotels, ground transportation (bus) and some meals are covered in the fee that is paid to the AUC. Travel insurance and 9 meals are not covered (see here).

    Cost is an approximate only. Each pathfinder will need to pack their own tent, sleeping bag, pillow and sleeping mat in a separate bag.


    International Camporee Registration

    Click the “Book Tickets” link and follow these registration steps.

    1. Click on “International Tickets”
    2. Create a login for yourself
    3. Use the SPD (South Pacific Division) code – Contact the Youth Department for the code
    4. Pay the fee


    What is Pathfinders?

    Pathfinders is open to any young people within this age group and accept the philosophy of the organisation. The program provides opportunities for its members to develop holistically including the importance of Spiritual values and a positive mental attitude. This self-development is through activities such as camping, exploring nature and environmental awareness, interactive learning, spiritual awareness, fun activities and acts of community.

    In Greater Sydney, Pathfinders graduate from the program at age 15 with a mind for mission, heart for service, and leadership skills for life. Find a club near you!


    6 August 2029 - 12 August 2029


    Gillette, Wyoming (USA)


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