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    30 Days of Prayer 2023

    1 March 2023 - 21 April 2023

    30 days of daily prayer focused on hope and God’s promise of a better life.



    “It’s time for us to rekindle the flame, to revive the hope, to rewrite the future. O Lord, let it begin with me!” Garth Bainbridge, 30 Days of Prayer 2023 Booklet Writer


    Daily Videos

    One for each prayer devotional, each offering additional thoughts to consider. When available they will be posted on Facebook and at



    Do you have any lingering questions? Connect with your pastor or a local church near you for answers.

    If you’re new here and are interested in studying the Bible further, get in touch with us and we’ll help find Bible studies near you.

    Short link:

    #30daysofprayer #30DoP2023 #sydneyadventists


    Prayer is spiritual communication between us God. It is our direct line with heaven. We pray to talk to God, understand him, connect with him, and understand ourselves. Praying in tandem with studying the Bible helps us navigate the various trials of life. 30 Days of Prayer then is an opportunity to strengthen one’s faith and grow closer to God.

    Join us for this guided prayer exercise that dives into hope.

    Who this event is for

    Anyone who wants to participate.

    Whether you’re new to faith or a life-long learner, you’ll be able to follow along and gain something to strengthen your walk. Participate alone, with family, or with friends. It’s completely up to you!

    How does it work?

    Read the daily devotions, consider the questions, watch the videos, and pray. That’s it.

    We encourage keeping a journal or note pad to keep track of your thoughts and prayers as you journey through the exercise.


    Where to get the prayer book – Get the book PDF here!


    What happens after?

    Join us for our United Prayer Evening. Event Link

    Sydney United Prayer Evening March 2023

    At the end of the exercise, take a look back at your notes on the previous 30 days. Were any of your prayers answered? We’d love to hear it. Write is at [email protected].

    Does it leave you with more questions or a desire to further study the Bible and grow in your spiritual journey? Click here to contact a pastor near you, or here for available Bible study options.




    Ramadan Thirty Days of Prayer

    Devout Muslims around the world dedicate the holy month of Ramadan (March 22nd – April 21st, 2023) for fasting and prayer. These two pillars of Islam are practices of faith we share. We encourage our pastors, chaplains, and church members to build bridges with our Muslim friends by praying for them during the month of Ramadan and providing them acts of kindness.

    Adventist-Muslim Relations ministry in Greater Sydney Conference invites you to share the attached Ramadan Prayer Diary with your church congregation. Further information as how to run each day prayer session is provided inside the Prayer Diary. Download the book and graphics here.

    Contact: Pr Edison Akrawi, [email protected]


    1 March 2023 - 21 April 2023



    Garth Bainbridge

    30 Days of Prayer 2023 Booklet Writer

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