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    Vacancies at the Conference, Schools & Aged Care

    23 February 2023


    We’re looking for organised individuals for our Conference and Schools Company, and Registered Nurses to join our Adventist Aged Care team.


    Seventh-day Adventist Schools (Greater Sydney) Ltd…

    is seeking a People and Culture Coordinator. You will have the opportunity to be part of a dynamic and passionate team that helps to facilitate growth in the area of human resources.

    Apply: People and Culture Coordinator


    The Conference office…

    based in Wahroonga, we are seeking a part-time Administration Assistant (3 days a week). You will have the opportunity to be part of a dynamic and passionate team that helps to facilitate growth in discipleship by providing administrative support to our Children and Family Ministry Department as well as our Health Ministry Department

    Apply: Administration Assistant 


    Aged Care Sydney…

    are looking for Registered Nurse to join our committed and enthusiastic team. You will play a pivotal role within the nursing team, showing excellent clinical assessment skills to manage the care of our customers in collaboration with our team of carers.

    Apply: Registered Nurse


    Expressions of Interest

    Please see the vacancy notices for additional information. Can be sent to Dani Dawson, HR Manager [email protected].

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