Thank you for taking delivery of important resources for your local church. The Adventist Book Centre where you placed your order for Sabbath School lesson materials has arranged that your order for 2nd Quarter 2025 Sabbath School lesson quarterlies be delivered directly to you from the publisher of the lesson quarterlies, rather than coming to you from the local ABC, which may be different to how we have worked with you in the past. For the foreseeable future we intend to continue to deliver your Sabbath school lesson quarterlies directly to you.
The lesson quarterly publisher has sent the goods directly to you at our instruction. If you have any queries regarding your order, you should contact the ABC where you placed your order, please do not contact the publisher. Please note that this delivery only covers Sabbath School lesson quarterlies, it does not include other supplementary resources you may have ordered.
Thank you for receiving the Sabbath school lesson quarterlies for 2nd Quarter 2025. If you have any queries, please contact the ABC where you placed your order. We pray that these resources make a difference in the lives of your church members.