Longtime Greater Sydney Conference (GSC) team member Richard Hurrell will be retiring from the Greater Sydney finance team and in particular, local church treasurers.
Richard commenced his tenure with Greater Sydney in 2012. His current role has focused on local church finance support and training, which he has been doing for almost 10 years.
Richard has spent many hours training and coaching, resolving local church finance challenges, overseeing the transition to the new local church accounting system (ACAS), and working closely with church treasurers to ensure that the work for each month end is finalised in a timely manner. Many will have seem him at various Conference and local church events manage the the Tap’n’Go service.
Richard’s last day will formally be Thursday 28th March, 2024. As a team, we are so grateful for his humble dedication and perseverance is helping local church treasurers work toward best practice in the roles.
“We are sad to not have Richard continue as a member of the Greater Sydney Conference finance team and will miss his quiet presence in the office greatly.” Greater Sydney Conference CFO, Mrs Nadelle Manners
Join us in thanking Richard for the significant contribution he has made across all our churches here in Greater Sydney.
What this means for you
With Richard’s retirement comes the passing of the baton. Mrs Geisa (JEY-sah) Lagares has been appointed to fulfil the role of Local Church Financial Support.
Geisa is a valued member of the finance team at Greater Sydney Conference and has been a part of the team since October 12, 2023. Geisa has been working under Richard’s tutelage over the past few weeks and we look forward to supporting her as she grows into this role.
Supporting our local church treasurers is priority for our team and as such we have created a dedicated email address for local church finance support. Please ensure that all correspondence and queries relating to local church financial support are emailed through to  [email protected] or that Geisa is contacted on the GSC Office phone number, (02) 9868 6522.
All transitions take time and the transition from Richard to Geisa is no exception. We appreciate your prayers and patience as the Conference finance team works to support each church and their finance team in a timely manner.
One way that we want to ensure that local church finance teams are supported is to provide a training scheduled for 2024. Further details regarding training will be provided in the coming weeks.
Should you wish to discuss the matter of local church finance support (both suggestions as well as enquiries), please do not hesitate to email [email protected].
Again, we thank you for your patience as we work diligently towards a smooth transition.