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    Humanitarian, News

    New Fund for Needy Persons

    22 July 2024

    New fund for the needy sydney adventist charity fund


    Accidents, illness, job loss, domestic violence, broken homes, and more. The ways individuals and families can fall on hard times are almost limitless. Something as simple as one setback can cause a domino effect of problems that is hard to recover from alone.

    For Sydneysiders in need, the Greater Sydney Conference Fund for Needy Persons (FFNP) can offer help. The fund serves between 150 and 400 people annually, with the greatest share of the assistance going to single mothers who have escaped abusive partners and others who need help paying rent. In many cases, just two-weeks’ worth of rent money can help prevent a family from becoming homeless and give them a boost to start over.

    The FFNP aims to help people retain their independence and dignity and show them what community support feels like. Funds are replenished by generous offerings from members of Sydney Adventist churches, but recipients don’t need to be church members.

    T* is a church member who recently fell on hard times. Family comes first for T, so she had been generously helping family members in need. But the last few years have been full of financial struggles for her. Being out of work, trying to help family, and an unexpected bill of several thousand dollars left her in a tough financial situation and struggling with debt, unsure how she was going to make it through.

    Instead of falling further behind, T stepped out in faith and contacted the Greater Sydney Conference office to ask about assistance. “I was so hoping and praying to God for help,” T shares. “He didn’t disappoint me, as the answer came back, ‘Yes, we can help.’”

    T felt her worry and fear evaporate. “The fund helped me a great deal,” she says. The assistance enabled her to make right a large, unexpected expense she had no way of paying without help. “This was very kind of FFNP, I’m so appreciative. I felt relieved that I had some help for this crisis.”

    T never imagined she’d be on the receiving end of a FFNP gift. In fact, she’s always been on the giving end. “I have struggled a lot financially,” T says, “but have tithed throughout the years faithfully, and ironically my favourite offering was the church fund for the needy—and still is when I can afford it.”

    So the church’s reinvestment back into T’s life gives her added love and respect for her church and fellow church members. “It felt good to know that my church brothers and sisters cared enough to consider my circumstances and help me through a very rough time,” T explains. And it was an unexpected grace note to reap what she’s sown. “I’m so glad that for many years, while I was in a better place financially, as well as returning my tithes, I gave every time to the church fund for the needy, little knowing that l would one day need help myself.”

    T hopes her hard luck is behind her and that this gift will set her on a new path to financial freedom. An added benefit, she says, is that this experience has given her even more understanding of just how valuable the FFNP ministry is. “This fund is a very important aspect of church ministry. Without it, many would be without hope of overcoming their present financial predicament.”

    This, T says, is where church members can make a real, tangible difference in the life of someone else. “It’s one of the best offerings and charities that you can donate to,” T appeals. “Please donate to this most worthy cause; your gift is so needed and would be greatly appreciated by someone in a crisis, who feels that there is nothing they can do and that they’re all alone.”

    There are always members of our community who can use a hand up. It’s important that we continually replenish the Fund for Needy Persons so we can continue to bless those around us with the encouragement of financial support. To contribute towards the FFNP and help more deserving people like T find financial independence and security again, you can give a love offering via eGiving at

    Learn more about the FFNP program at

    *We’ve removed identifying information to further protect the anonymity and dignity of the source.

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