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    Op-ed, Youth

    Easy Tips for Supporting Youth

    24 April 2024
    Living Water Christian Church Dee Why 5

    Living Water Adventist Christian Church


    By Pastor Anthony Fuller |

    I visited a young man in hospital this week who had very recently been stabbed in a gang altercation. He was brought up in our churches, but at the age of 17 he was very clear church was not for him. He had no spiritual purpose, no connection or relational understanding of who God is.

    How is this possible? We know generally youth in society are under so much pressure, but research shows that Christian youth are facing greater challenges within our congregations. Below are some of the greatest challenges facing our youth today:

    • Lack of employment opportunities
    • Mental health
    • Living in a secular culture
    • Issues related to body image
    • Family problems
    • Substance abuse
    • Pressures of materialism
    • Personalising and living out their faith
    • Negative stereotyping
    • Pressures of 24-hour social networking
    • Crime

    What is your response as you view this list? How would you compare it to your observations of the youth within your local church?

    CHALLENGE: Make it a priority to take some time and get to know your youth in your home church congregation to see what they think. Work with parents, families, and youth leaders; don’t just leave it for them to do—get involved.

    Based on your findings, prayerfully work on finding practical and biblical solutions. Spend some time asking young people what they think are possible solutions.

    Our youth must not only be taught God’s Word, but they must also be mentored in ways to apply the Word to their lives. They must be inspired to live more like Christ, remembering that Jesus is the model.

    Big Camp 2024 Youth & Young Adult Tent speaker, Pr Anthony Fuller is currently serves as the Youth Director for the South England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (SEC).

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