You may be having conversations about vaccinations, the pandemic, the right to protest and other items that are current and related topically within your sphere of influence, with family, colleagues, and friends. Find below the following, which may be of benefit.
- Our Seventh-day Adventist position on vaccination along with an addendum from the General Conference.
- Material that we’ve gathered from our Greater Sydney Conference (GSC) Seventh-day Adventist Doctors (all of whom are committed to our end time apocalyptic understanding and are conservative medical professionals who are well respected) + the personal reflections of AUC President, Pr Terry Johnson.
- Stay up-to-date on the latest COVID-19 updates and requirements for the church.
My brothers and sisters may the Lord give you wisdom and guidance as you navigate the confusion that is all around us and shepherd the flock that the Lord has put into your care for such a time as this. Praying with you and lifting you before the throne of God.
Terry Johnson