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    Aged Care

    Centenarian Celebrations at Sydney Adventist Aged Care

    1 November 2022

    Sydney christian aged care resident celebration 100th birthday with two cakes, on strawberry and one chocolate.


    In March 2022 Noelle celebrated her 100th birthday at the Adventist Aged Care facility Azalea Court in Hornsby, where she has been a resident for the last 7 years.

    When asked for the secret to her longevity Noelle commented, “When I was born, my father put a small piece of gold in my hand and said – ‘This girl will live long, will be surrounded by good friends, will never be left hungry or without a roof over her head’ and that is exactly what happened. Here I am at 100, still with my independence, surrounded by good friends, and happily living at Azalea Court.”

    In addition to receiving a letter from Queen, the Governor-General and the Prime Minister, her fellow residents and staff at the facility threw her a grand afternoon tea party. Adventist Aged Care CEO, Brian Swanepoel who helped celebrate the big birthday bash congratulated Noelle for reaching the momentous milestone, “Noelle is a breath of fresh air, she has such a lovely positive attitude.”

    Sydney Adventist Aged Care has had a number of big celebrations over the past year. Four (4) of our Wahroonga residents celebrated milestone birthdays turning 100, 102, 103 and 104 over the past year, and two (2) Kings Langley residents turned 100 and 106! Looks like we may have our very own mini Blue Zones right here in Sydney.


    What is a Blue Zone?

    “Blue Zone” is a term given to geographic regions that are home to some of the world’s oldest people. One of the five known Blue Zones in the world is Loma Linda, California (USA), a town with a high-population of Seventh-day Adventists. The group there live as much as a decade longer thanAmericans in the United states, and much of their longevity can be attributed to lifestyle. Most exercise regularly, adhere to a vegetarian diet and abstain from smoking and alcohol.

    That’s not not all. Dan Buettner, of the original study, goes on to list lessons that Loma Linda, California can teach you about longevity. For more visit

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