We’re a Chinese-speaking (both Cantonese and mandarin) Christian community passionate about studying the Bible and serving to the needs of the Chinese community around Hurstville and southwestern Sydney.
Regular Sabbath School (where we meet and study the Bible together) is held Saturdays at 9:30am followed by divine church service at 11am.
常规安息日学(我们在这里聚会并学习圣经)在星期六上午 10:00 举行,随后在上午 11 点举行神圣的教堂礼拜。
为了教会成员和访客的健康和安全, 在严重的肺部感染大流行期间,我们暂时使用 Zoom 进行在线崇拜. 详情及热线链接请联系朱牧师, 手机号码 0455-887-077. 请注意:我们将从 2022 年 5 月 7 日起在教堂恢复礼拜.