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    Church / Bible Study

    Freshwater Church

    2 Martin Street, Freshwater NSW 2096

    Multicultural, traditional & friendly in the Northern Beaches

    We’re a traditional, mostly older multicultural church. Worship starts at 9:30am with sabbath school then breaks into two classes for the lesson study. Divine service starts at 11am and runs until 12:30pm. Lunch follows service every Sabbath.

    In addition to worship service, we have or offer the following:

    • Home visitation
    • Prayer
    • Men’s group
    • Scouts: Pathfinders & Adventurers
    • Community service

    Formerly the Manly-Warringah Seventh-day Adventist Church.

    For questions or for additional information, contact the Freshwater SDA Church directly.

    • Partially Wheelchair Accessible
    • Safe Place Coordinator
    • On-site Parking


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