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    Church / Bible Study

    Chatswood Church

    50 Johnson Street, Chatswood NSW 2067

    Youthful & multicultural

    We’re a group of imperfect people who believe that God is real and who want to live a life of purpose and meaning for Him. We endeavor to make Chatswood Church a place where you can connect to God and others. No matter where you are in life, you are welcome at Chatswood Church.

    We offer an interactive programs for babies, kindys, primary’s and teens. There is also an adult sabbath school Bible study class before the combined family worship service at 11am. Lunch follows service every second Saturday of the month.

    In addition to worship service, we have or offer the following:

    • Home visitation
    • Prayer
    • Men’s group
    • Scouts: Pathfinders & Adventurers
    • Ministerial Association of Chatswood Member
    • Community services
    • Vacation Bible School

    For questions or for additional information, contact the Chatswood SDA Church directly.

    • Partially Wheelchair Accessible
    • Limited Street Parking
    • Safe Place Coordinator


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