A Mandarin speaking church serving the north-west region of Sydney with a mission to bring the hope of Jesus to community. We meet at the Eastwood Community Hall, which is an 8-minute walk from Eastwood Station. Lunch follows service every week.
In addition to worship service, we have or offer the following:
Contact: Robert Zhang
伊士活华人教会普通话堂,秉承传扬耶稣福音的使命, 将主耶稣福音传扬给悉尼地区的华人,主要服务于悉尼西北地区的社区。我们在伊士活社区中心聚会,离伊士活火车站只需8分钟的步行路程。聚会后有简便聚餐。除了崇拜活动以外,我们还有以下活动: