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    ADRA Community Centre Macquarie Fields

    6 Mallee Place, Macquarie Fields NSW 2564

    Free support services

    ADRA Community Centre Macquarie Fields is on the ground, operating at a grassroots level. Our Centre is assisting vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals and families in Macquarie Fields and surrounding suburbs.

    We provide support where there is a genuine need. This includes assistance with rental arrears for those at risk of homelessness; emergency relief due to unforeseen circumstances; relocation costs due to family break down or domestic/family violence; drug and alcohol addiction support; mental health, wellbeing, and social isolation support and empowerment programs to support individuals in setting and achieving goals.



    For assistance, please contact the centre directly. Greater Sydney Conference cannot assist via the LiveChat feature.



    Opening Hours:

    • Monday-Wednesday: 10am-5pm
    • Thursday: 1-5pm
    • Friday: 10am-5pm


    See website for list of services



    • Monday-Wednesday: 10am-5pm
    • Thursday: 1-5pm
    • Friday: 10am-5pm


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