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    Stewardship Sabbath – Grateful Living

    15 February 2025

    This Sabbath is Stewardship Sabbath in the Greater Sydney Conference.

    You know that stewardship includes tithe and offerings, and they’re really important. Our management of money is often an indicator of how the rest of our relationship with God is going, but you also know that there is much more to being a Christ-centred faithful steward.

    Grateful Living can take your church’s stewardship to the next level. An easy way to remember this is by the eight T’s of Grateful Living:

    • Time – dedicating time every day to God and His work (Psalms 90:12; Ephesians 5:15-16)
    • Talents – using my God-given abilities to serve Him (Matthew 25:14-30)
    • Treasure – tithes, offerings, donations and investments (Malachi 3:8-2; Matthew 6:19-24)
    • Temple – caring for my mind and body for God’s service (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)
    • Testimony – faithfully sharing what God is doing in my life (Luke 8:39; Revelation 12:11)
    • Tribe – caring for family at home, church and worldwide (Deuteronomy 6:6-7, 20-25)
    • Territory – caring for my land and the environment (Genesis 2:15; Revelation 11:18)
    • Truth – faithfully protecting and sharing God’s Word (Matthew 28:19-20; Romans 1:16)

    “If there is anyone who should be continually grateful, it is the Christian. If there is anyone who enjoys happiness, even in this life, it is the faithful follower of Jesus Christ.” Ellen G. White, Child Guidance, p.147. 



    The Stewardship department has developed different types of resources to support the local church, members and pastors to share the stewardship message for grateful living.



    15 February 2025


    Asofitu Leatuavao
    [email protected]

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