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    enditnow® Emphasis Day – Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

    1 August 2023 - 31 August 2023

    enditnow® is a global initiative to raise awareness and advocate for the end of violence around the world. It aims to mobilise Seventh-day Adventists around the world and invites other community groups to join in to resolve this worldwide issue.

    This initiative, which extends to more than 200 countries and territories, was launched in October 2009 in partnership between the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)-a prominent humanitarian organisation and the Department of Women’s Ministries of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, two entities that are representative of the Adventist Church.

    enditnow is the most important stand the Seventh-day Adventist Church has ever taken regarding violence against women, men and children.

    Here’s what you and your church can do.

    1. Tune into the National Online Summit – Facebook Event
    2.  Deliver the enditnow sermon* in your church. The video is already available for download via the enditnow® resource packet button above.
    3. Ensure that your church has a plan to assist those in need of help. AdSafe is available to help.
    4. Share this information with your church network.

    *This enditnow® resource packet comes to us from North American Division Women’s Ministries. While many of the statistics and information are specific to the North America, much of it holds true in Australia as well.

    Get help

    If you or someone you know is a victim, help is available. AdSafe Ltd is a service of the Seventh-day Adventist Church committed to maintaining safe environments within the church and facilitating healing and justice pathways for victims of abuse.

    AdSafe’s Survivor Services team provides care and support, and creates a safe environment where survivors can share their stories and be empowered to seek justice.

    Other options for help.

    • Relationships Australia, 1300 364 277
    • DV Crisis Line, 1800RESPECT or 1300 737 732
    • Child Protection Helpline, 13 2111
    • NSW Rape Crisis, 1800 424 017
    • MensLine Australia, 1300 78 99 78
    • Men’s Referral Service, 1300 766 491
    • LifeLine 13 11 14
    • Adventist Counselling Services (ACS), 1300 723 070



    enditnow® 2021, enditnow® 2022

    Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

    This year for enditnow® Emphasis Day we are focused on “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, When those who claim to be followers of Jesus harm others.” Both the Old and New Testaments refer to God’s people as sheep, to the body of believers as a flock, and to our Lord as the Shepherd. But because our churches are filled with imperfect and broken people, we may encounter a wolf disguised in sheep’s clothing.

    Often we think that abuse involves violence, but none of the cases shared in the sermon include violence. None of the “victims” resisted abuse. At the time it was happening, none of then even recognised it as abuse. Yet, the power differential caused each victim to be violated.


    enditnow - adventists say no to violence 2023_



    Online Summit August 25th

    EnditNow Emphasis day is on August 25 and Adventist Women Australia are hosting the yearly national online summit featuring Jess Hill.



    1 August 2023 - 31 August 2023


    Meleofa Tovo
    [email protected]

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