enditnow® is a global initiative to raise awareness and advocate for the end of violence around the world.
It aims to mobilise Seventh-day Adventists around the world and invites other community groups to join in to resolve this worldwide issue.
This initiative, which extends to more than 200 countries and territories, was launched in October 2009 in partnership between the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)–a prominent humanitarian organisation and the Department of Women’s Ministries of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, two entities that are representative of the Adventist Church.
enditnow is the most important stand the Seventh-day Adventist Church has ever taken regarding violence against women, men and children.
Short link: https://bit.ly/gsenditnow
Both the Old and New Testaments refer to God’s people as sheep, to the body of believers as a flock, and to our Lord as the Shepherd. Abuse victims need to know that Jesus cares about them. And that’s where we come in, says Joanna Daniel, author of the 2024 resource packet.
In the “The Trauma-Informed Church” seminar, Joanna Daniel describes five ways the church can help traumatized people heal and find community. They include an informed team, awareness of existing barriers, effective listening, preserved confidentiality, and continued support.
For enditnow® Australia contact number and resources, visit the link via the button above.
Join us on Friday August 23rd at 7:30pm (AEST) for the 2024 live streamed National enditnow online summit. This year our theme is “Understanding Trauma and how the Church can respond.” Our keynote speaker Dr Torben Berglund will unpack trauma. A live panel discussing how the church can respond to those experiencing trauma will follow. Viewers are encouraged to send in questions for the panel. A psychologist will be on standby for anyone needing immediate support.
Link: www.facebook.com/events/1030962011744007/
Join us on Sabbath (Saturday) August 24th from 3-5pm (AEST) for the 2024 enditnow Rally and BBQ at Mountain View Adventist College.
Download the A4 Flyer (PDF) for this event.
Register: https://sydney.bluevineyardevents.com/enditnow/
Guest Speaker, enditnow® Rally
Keynote Speaker, enditnow® Online Summit
*This enditnow® resource packet comes to us from North American Division Women’s Ministries. While many of the statistics and information are specific to the North America, much of it holds true in Australia as well.
If you or someone you know is a victim, help is available. AdSafe Ltd is a service of the Seventh-day Adventist Church committed to maintaining safe environments within the church and facilitating healing and justice pathways for victims of abuse.
AdSafe’s Survivor Services team provides care and support, and creates a safe environment where survivors can share their stories and be empowered to seek justice. www.adsafe.org.au
Other options for help.
Self Harm
Adventist Church